In terms of sounds and content that I've previewed and messed around with, it's a pretty awesome sounding plugin. I haven't been following the commercial thread as closely for a while now so I don't know if that is something others have complained about but I will be sending Spitfire a support ticket with some of my aesthetic concerns as I have corrected vision up to 20/20 and I'm still having trouble seeing wtf their GUI says on it. With that said, I've been using it in frustration because on my 2K monitors, it's very small and hard to see the words, settings, etc on the GUI. Nevertheless, they have come through on getting around the. Honestly, I wish they had held off release until that occurred because I feel like a few people probably bought it not realizing that. It uses a command prompt which felt like a throw back for me so be sure to read their online support for it on how to install because it may be a little daunting for some at first. They finally got Win 7 support on their downloader to be able to install Phobos which is great.